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Clare County Council and An Garda Síochána call for vigilance as Covid cases rise

30 September 2020

Clare County Council and An Garda Síochána are calling on individuals, businesses and communities in County Clare to remain vigilant and continue to adhere to Government restrictions in response to the recent upsurge in cases of Covid-19 in Ireland.

People are being reminded to comply with the public health measures, to stick to basic advice around hand hygiene, cough etiquette and social distancing, and to limit social contacts over the period ahead, with An Garda Síochána stating that it will intervene where necessary to ensure compliance.

Chief Executive of Clare County Council, Pat Dowling, said: “We must take very seriously the deteriorating situation with regard to Covid-19 in some parts of the country, and the rising number of cases nationally. Much of Ireland is currently at Level 2 on the National Framework for living with Covid-19 but, as we have seen in Dublin and Donegal, this will be escalated to Level 3 wherever required to suppress the spread of the virus.

“This is a moment for great care and caution. I am reminding everyone to follow the public health advice and, crucially, to adhere to restrictions on social gatherings. Please plan to reduce the number of people you meet. It is only through a sustained collective effort that we can combat the spread of Covid-19.

“People naturally have felt frustration and fatigue at times in this battle. But we must keep up the fight, hold firm and stay focused. Complacency is one of Covid’s greatest allies. The people in Clare have shown remarkable resourcefulness, determination and solidarity throughout this pandemic, for which I commend them. As we find ourselves at another critical juncture, I know we will all rise to the challenge and take the actions that are necessary now to come through this challenging period.

“Clare County Council will continue to monitor closely the case numbers in Clare. The Council, in line with advice from Government and the recommendations of the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET), will take whatever steps are necessary to protect lives and safeguard public health in our county.”

An Garda Síochána has stated it will encourage compliance through engagement, explanation and, if required, enforcement.

Chief Superintendent Sean Colleran, Clare Garda Division, said: “People must take personal responsibility and limit social interactions, continue to be constantly aware of risks, avoid complacency and take care when meeting people. An Garda Síochána will continue to give a person every possible chance and treat a person fairly using the four ‘Es’ – Engage, Explain, Encourage and, only as a last resort when all other avenues have been exhausted, Enforce.

“An Garda Síochána will police as it has always done, with the consent of the people. If necessary, we will intervene where venues/outlets are not in compliance or where groups of people are not adhering to recommended measures. If it is noted by a member of the public that a premises is not in compliance, please report it and we will respond and carry out a check. We are continuing to carry out spot checks on licensed premises and have found the premises inspected to be compliant.

“Our priority at all times is to keep people safe. If we all work together we will help protect the community we live in, our loved ones and our friends.”

For the latest information on how Ireland is responding to cases of Covid-19, visit



Pat Dowling, Chief Executive of Clare County Council (front), and Sean Colleran, Chief Superintendent, Clare Garda Division. Clare County Council and An Garda Síochána are calling on individuals, businesses and communities in County Clare to remain vigilant and continue to adhere to Government restrictions in relation to Covid-19.

Page last reviewed: 30/09/20

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